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A list of resources related to child protection, domestic abuse, legal and other resources for research purposes.

Child Protection

  1. London Child Protection Procedures
  2. Parent’s Protect - Warning Signs
  3. Safeguarding North Yorkshire
  4. NSPCC - Neglect
  5. NSPCC - Emotional Abuse
  6. Safeguarding children under 1 year old from non-accidental injury
  7. Hidden men: learning from case reviews
  8. Cafcass Launches the Together with Children and Families framework
  9. Cafcass trials new process for child arrangements
  10. Child Sexual Abuse and good practice for social workers
  11. Cafcass is taking steps to improve its practice in public family law proceedings

    Domestic Abuse/Violence

  12. Domestic Abuse: Draft Statutory Guidance Framework
  13. Government Domestic Abuse / Violence Legal Aid Site
  14. ONS Domestic Abuse Data 2020
  15. Parental Alienation
  16. Data Breaches: Guidance for individuals and families
  17. New Domestic Abuse service for men opens in Kent
  18. Subtly Controlling Behaviour
  19. Denied justice: How the legal aid means test prevents victims of domestic abuse from accessing justice and rebuilding their lives
  20. Legal Aid Means Test Review